Research software engineering (RSE) group at UiT

RSE logo

We want to help all researchers and students at UiT to develop and improve their research software. This can span from simple R or Python scripts to complex GPU enabled software packages.

Save time on your project by getting quick and comprehensive help by experts.

    "The Research Software Engineering Group has been of great help to me in starting to use Git and organizing my code. "

    "The execution time for my script went down from 4 weeks to below an hour which was really cool! "

    "Like having a personal programming coach—one who not only knows the technical aspects but can also communicate effectively with non-programmers. "

    "If you’re considering reaching out to them, don’t hesitate — just do it. And bring cookies! "

(more testimonials)

Welcome to office hours Wednesdays 13-15

Need help with anything code related? Visit us during our office hours, (almost) every Wednesday 13:00 - 15:00 in room A210 A109 in Modulbygget.

Next office hours in 2024: Sep 18, Sep 25, Oct 2, Oct 9, Oct 16, Oct 23, Oct 30, Nov 11 (and later more).

What we offer

  • Help with improving your scripts/code
    • Code review: we look together at your code/script and give constructive feedback and advice
    • Making code more reproducible and reusable
    • Advice and help how to best document code
    • Advice about whether to use YAML or CSV or JSON or TOML or something else
    • Consulting and help with web development (static websites, JavaScript, HTML, CSS frameworks)
  • Help with organising your code
    • Help with modularizing your code
    • Help with moving your work/project/code/data to Git
    • Help with Git, GitHub, and GitLab
    • Help with organization of reusable and reproducible Jupyter notebooks and Binder
  • Help with sharing your code
    • Help publishing your code
    • Help with software licenses and open sourcing
    • Packaging and sharing software
    • Containerization (Singularity, Docker)
    • Help with pip, PyPI, and Conda
  • Help with running your code faster
    • Improving scaling, CPU, and memory footprint of research codes
    • Porting to GPU
    • Moving from local computer to cloud or high-performance computing (using e.g. NRIS resources)

If you have questions about code you wrote or want to write, please contact us or come and talk to us. Or check our short presentation slide deck for research groups. Or try the even shorter slide deck.